University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Established in 1506, the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (UNIURB) is one of the most ancient Universities in Europe. It is located in one of central Italy’s most important Renaissance cities, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.
Since 2003, the University has been entitled to the Italian poet and scholar Carlo Bo, who was the University’s rector from 1947 to 2001 and promoted a strong and intertwined relationship between the city of Urbino and its University. Thanks to a long-lasting cooperation with the Italian architect Giancarlo De Carlo, Bo also fostered a general renovation of the University’s buildings, which are of outstanding interest.
Given their high number compared to the resident population, the 14.000 students enrolled in the University of Urbino are true protagonists in the life of this small city, which becomes then, a young and lively environment both inside and outside the academic institution and offers a unique opportunity to live an intense learning experience. Students have access to several facilities, libraries, documentary services and laboratories, a Linguistic Centre (CLA), supplying Language classes to both students and staff and a Teaching and Learning Centre (CISDEL), providing support for study, teaching and research activities.
Education, research and knowledge and innovation transfer are the University’s main purposes.
UNIURB offers several Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (BA; MA/MPhil; PhD). They range from Law, Economics and Political Sciences to Social Sciences, Humanities, Educational Sciences; from Biology to Biotechnology, Pharmacy and Sports Sciences; from Physics to Mathematics and Informatics; from Environmental Sciences to Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Master courses and “Specialisation Schools” aim at providing postgraduate students with specific knowledge and professional skills.
The Institution is organized in six Departments, supervising and organizing research within the University: Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP); Department of Humanities (DISTUM); Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI); Department of Law (DiGiur); Department of Biomolecular Sciences (DISB); Department of Pure and Applied Sciences (DiSPeA).
Francesca Maria Cesaroni
Francesca Maria Cesaroni is Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), Department of Economic, Society, Politics, where she teaches accounting, entrepreneurship and start up. Her main research topics include entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, financial and non-financial reporting, family firms.
At the University of Urbino Carlo Bo she is President of the School of Economics, Director of the Research Centre on Entrepreneurship and Small-Medium-sized firms, Scientific responsible of UniurbLab – Contamination lab aimed to promote students’ entrepreneurship, Member of the scientific committee of the Ph.D Programme in Global Studies.
Since 2012 she is a member of AFECA (Association de Formations Européennes à la Comptabilité et à l’Audit) and has participated in the following AFECA Erasmus+ Projects: DIPCAT-Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics (2018-2021; 2018-1-UK01-KA203-048027 https://szamvitel624050839.wordpress.com/) ; STAMP ONLINE – Smart Teaching in Accounting – Meeting Place Online (2020-2023; 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080299) https://stamp.projects.uvt.ro/ . Since 2017 she is Italian vice-president for ECSB-European Council of Small Business and co-editor of the journal Piccola Impresa/Small Business.
Federica Palazzi
Federica Palazzi, PhD, is Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), Department of Economics, Society and Politics, where she teaches Accounting and Business Administration, Accounting and Business Administration II and International Accounting Standards.
Her research interests are in the following areas: entrepreneurship, corporate performance, corporate social responsibility, sustainability reporting, gender issues, social capital, intellectual capital, earnings management, valuation of small and medium-sized enterprises, management accounting and control systems.
She is a member of the Research Centre on Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (University of Urbino Carlo Bo) and of the SIDREA, the Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration. She is the author of several articles published in international journals.
Annalisa Sentuti
Annalisa Sentuti, PhD, is a Researcher of Business Administration at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), Department of Economic, Society, Politics, where she teaches business administration and accounting. Her main research topics include family firms, SMEs, entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, corporate governance and sustainability, management accounting and control systems.
She is a member of the Research Centre on Entrepreneurship and Small-Medium-sized firms (University of Urbino Carlo Bo) and of SIDREA, the Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration. She authored several articles published in international journals and is also associate editor of the journal Piccola Impresa/Small Business.
She has participated in the following AFECA Erasmus+ Projects: DIPCAT-Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics (2018-2021; 2018-1-UK01-KA203-048027 https://szamvitel624050839.wordpress.com/) ; STAMP ONLINE – Smart Teaching in Accounting – Meeting Place Online (2020-2023; 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080299) https://stamp.projects.uvt.ro/